Picture credits

Providers of pictures:

Copyright© Rothamsted Research Ltd (Centre for Bioimaging):

Cover image: Encyclopaedia of Cereal Disease - scanning EM image of yellow rust pustule (Puccinia striiformis)


ant236, dani kreienbühl, Doreen Salcher, Eric Isselée, nyul, schweitzer-degen, Spencer, Gabriella88, Andre, mtsyri, mica, ExQuisine, blende40, Heike Rau, yamix, H.D. Volz, Benshot, reises

Getty Images:

Bobby Haas / National Geographic, Karen Huntt / Photodisc, Jean-Paul Nacivet / Photographer's Choice, Grove Pashley / Photographer's Choice, David Zimmerman / UpperCut Images

I-Stock photo:

Serafim Nenarokov, Vicki Reid, Lorraine Swanson, Dane WirtzfeldPlainpicture:alt-6, Erickson, Fancy, Andreas Körner, Pictorium, Westend61sxc:Adamci, Eszter, GoFish, Ilco, Jonathan Ng, mordoc, morcomm, Svyatoslav Palenyy, Max Somma, Fernando Weberich, Peter Werner, Bosela

Robert Hare:

Biodiversity photos at Rawcliffe Bridge

Limagrain UK:

Flyover shot, Rawcliffe Bridge farm
