Balaya® + Imperis® XE

Balaya® is a systemic fungicide and Imperis® XE is a fungicide with protectant and systemic properties. The Balaya® + Imperis® XE pack is for use in winter barley, spring barley, winter oats, spring oats, winter rye, spring rye, winter triticale and spring triticale.

  • Contains Revysol®, the most effective triazole available for the control of Ramularia
  • Contains Xemium®, the best active and SDHI available for the control of Rhynchosporium and preserving straw quality
  • Contains F500®, the principal strobulurin for the control of Net Blotch and for reducing plant stress

Pack Profile

Active ingredient(s)62.5 g/l fluxapyroxad + 100 g/l mefentrifluconazole + 100 g/l pyraclostrobin
FormulationEmulsifiable concentrates (EC)
Pack size5 litres Balaya + 5 litres Imperis XE
Disease activityBroad spectrum including yellow rust, brown rust, powdery mildew, net blotch, Ramularia, Rhynchosporium, crown rust, Septoria and tan spot
Dose1.0 litre Balaya + 1.0 litre Imperis XE
Pack treatment area5.0 hectares
Latest time of applicationUp to and including flowering anthesis just complete (GS 69)
Water Volume150-300 litres per hectare
Processed cropsWhen applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the latest timing restrictions for fluxapyroxad, mefentrifluconazole and pyraclostrobin given by the British Beer and Pub Association (currently up to GS 45 only, maximum dose 62.5 g/ha for fluxapyroxad, currently no restriction for mefentrifluconazole and before ear emergence for pyraclostrobin)
Other Specific restrictions
A maximum of 2 foliar applications of SDHI/QoI-containing product(s) can be applied to any cereal crop. Apply SDHI fungicides always in mixtures. The mixture partner:
• Should provide satisfactory disease control when used alone on the target disease
• Must have a different mode of action
A minimum interval of 21 days must be observed between applications

Straw colour & brackling

  • The Revysol® active in Balaya® + Imperis® XE provides a step up from prothioconazole on straw colour and brackling.

Balaya is a systemic fungicide for disease control in winter barley, spring barley, winter oats, spring oats, winter rye, spring rye, winter triticale and spring triticale.

Balaya is available in partner packs with Imperis XE, the tank mix providing a broad spectrum of activity.

Imperis XE is a fungicide with protectant and systemic properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, winter oats, spring oats, winter rye, spring rye, winter triticale and spring triticale.

Imperis XE is available in partner packs with Balaya, the tank mix providing a broad spectrum of activity.
